[Made in 3h for Trijam #282]

Use [A] and [D] to move and [Spacebar] to jump, or Left Analog Stick and [A/X] or equivalent to jump.

This is pretty difficult for a jam game, let me know if you manage to beat it.


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So hard! I can't believe I went all the way!

At first I thought: "Ok, this is hell, I'm never going to get past those two little platforms in the air".

Then there are the moving platforms... and... "Ok, here I am back at the beginning!".

Well, 5 minutes later, I'm back to the moving platforms and I finally figure out how to get past them. I climb a little further up the slippery slope and... "damn snowball!"

(I thought I was close to the end...)

Let's do it again! I pass the snowball, "hello gugus! watch out snowball!" and in an instant: I'm back at the start! I spent an incredible amount of time on these suspended platforms. Platforms that shrink and shrink, endlessly!

After a while, I was thinking, "Is there an end to this game? How much time am I going to spend on it? I'd take a screenshot with each new platform I set foot on (you need proof!).

Then there it was, the end, the final flag, the victory, the reward!

In short, a terrifyingly difficult game, but one that I had a lot of fun playing! In fact, the difficulty is actually very progressive. I've learned a lot as I've played: I can do at least the whole first half of the course without falling too much, that's saying a lot!

Bravo for this game :D



Some games aren't for everyone, but that just makes them more special for those with the persistence to see them through! :)